Matthias Geihs

Professional résumé

I currently work as a cryptography engineer at Web3Auth on integrating threshold cryptography into real-world systems. Previously, I worked as a software architect at PolyCrypt leading the development of the Perun Framework, and as an IT Security Specialist at Deutsche Börse Group managing information security within Market Data and Regulatory Services. I hold a PhD with distinction from Prof. J. Buchmann at TU Darmstadt for my work on secure digital archiving. Besides that, I like to work on personal software projects, such as the COVID-19 Data Explorer, which received some media attention, or the NFT project EARTH.

Personal software projects

Active and recent projects

EARTH: An NFT project celebrating the beauty of planet Earth in a 3D visualization.

World News: Bundles and translates news from all over the world.

COVID-19 Data Explorer: Timeline data explorer for the COVID-19 pandemic.

CryptoGraph: Visualization of connections between cryptographic primitives.

BahnMonitor: Train delay monitor for Deutsche Bahn.

Inactive projects

EventMap: Interactive map for sharing local events.

zeit-geist: Privacy-friendly social media platform whose content vanishes over time.

Tinder^2: User interface for Tinder with enhanced capabilties.

BoulerLeague: Log your climbed boulders and compete with your friends for the top spot at your local gym.

… (feel free to ask me what else I have been working on)

Research experience

At Web3Auth, my research focuses on Distributed Key Management systems. In particular, we developed an efficient Threshold Key Derivation protocol that reduces the master key size on the server side from linear in the number of users to constant.

At TU Darmstadt, my research focused on advancing theoretical and practical aspects of long-term secure storage systems. Concretely, we gave the first formal proofs of security for a certain class of long-term integrity protection schemes (in collaboration with Ahto Buldas from Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia) and built the first protype for long-term secure storage with combined integrity and confidentiality protection (in collaboration with the group of Masahide Sasaki of NICT, Japan).

Besides that, I have worked on long-term secure distributed ledger technology, efficient homomorphic encryption for privacy-preserving computation, and the visualization of medical data, in particular genome data visualization and volumetric data visualization.

A list of most of my research publications can be found at dblp.

Mail: GitHub: Twitter: Last updated: Apr 2024.